Reporting Community Service Hours in x2VOL
Directions for Reporting Hours:
- New students that never have used x2VOL will need to register on via the JOIN button. Search for Carroll Senior High School (Grades 9-12 will all select CSHS.)
- If you are not a new user but have forgotten your log-in information, click “Forgot Password.” If you do not know the email address used for your account, email
- To begin recording hours, look on your dashboard homepage and click on the green “Add Hours” then “Create New.”
- YOU DO NOT NEED TO CREATE AN ENTRY EVERY TIME YOU VOLUNTEER. For example, for “Activity Name,” you may type “North Texas Humane Society,” then type what you did in the “Project Description” box. Scroll down to “Activity Contact” and type in the name of the sponsor who can confirm your hours. List the last date you served and select the total number of combined hours during that time period. Please provide a brief description as to what you did.
- Be sure to click on the “Organization Goals” then select “Apply to All Non-Exclusive Goals” and the honesty statement before you hit “Submit.”
- Deadline to be considered for Community Service recognition is MAY 1ST OF SENIOR YEAR. ALL hours (100 minimum) MUST BE ENTERED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO MAY 1.
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