Portrait Information
NEW: Class of 2025 Senior Portraits
Class of 2025: Sign up for your senior yearbook portrait sitting over the SUMMER. The following dates are available: June 11, 12, 13 and July 9, 10, 11. Click here for more information.
Who is Our Photo Company and How Do Parents Reach Them?
- Legacy Studios https://legacystudios.com
- Customercare@legacystudios.com 716-512-6336
How do parents schedule senior photos?
- Seniors.legacystudios.com
- Carroll Senior HS direct link https://seniors.legacystudios.com/carroll-srhs-tx/
How and when do parents order senior photos?
2-3 weeks after photo day a link will be emailed to the parent with emails provided by the student during the photo day session letting them know digital proofs are available. From there, pricing will be available, and parents will be able to purchase photos. If parents have issues receiving the email, they can use the attached flyer to find their photos.
How and when do parents receive senior photos?
Legacy Studios mails portraits and any other items ordered to the student’s home, not school
How and when do parents order underclassmen photos?
On photo day students will receive a QR card with a direct link to view and order photos. photos are available in 10-14 days online to view. If the QR card does not make it home parents can use the attached flyer to locate their images.
How and when do parents receive underclassmen photos?
Legacy Studios mails portraits and any other items ordered to the student’s home, with provided emails. If no emails are provided orders will bulk ship back to the campus.